Friday, January 31, 2014

Making Disney memories of our own.

After scanning tons and tons of Disney photos last week Will & I decided to take a break to make some memories of our own at Epcot.  We had a great time going through the countries, riding on Soarin' and the best part might just have been finding the cronut stand.  The croissant-doughnut hybrid may have been the best tasting pastry we have EVER tasted.  Highly recommend.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A great weekend at The Flagler Home Show!

Will and I had a great time at the Flagler Home Show in Palm Coast, Florida over the weekend.  We love having booths at home shows and events.  It gives us the opportunity to meet face to face with potential clients and fully explain our services while answering questions.  We enjoy hearing everyone's stories from inherited reel to reel films that have mystery movies on them to having slides without a projector to watch them on.  We absolutely love unlocking and preserving memories!

Here I am putting the finishes touches on our booth Friday afternoon before the show starts on Saturday morning.  Can you see the old 16mm projector in the back?  Everyone loves seeing it.

Here's Will explaining our services to this super nice couple at the home show.  They were so excited to find us there because the have thousands and thousands of photos to scan and preserve.  We can hardly wait to start their project.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

DittoBee Photo Scanning breathes life back into your old slides.

A favorite pass time in the 1960's and 70's: Going up to the attic to retrieve the old Kodak slideshow projector.  It was great fun to invite the neighbors, friends and family over to view your vacation photos right there on your living room wall not to mention much cheaper than printing them out on paper.  But times changed and the cost of printing went down so the good ol' photo album took the place of the carousel. 

We love preserving memories at DittoBee and it's time to bring life back into those old slides.  Get 200 of your slides scanned for just $78 and begin your slideshow, this time on your computer or even your phone.  Click here to get started!

Well kept slides have amazing scan quality!  This is a sample of one of our slide scans.
Don't you just wish you were there?